A Journey to Your Greatest Healing

Your Gut is the Gateway

Feeling crappy is completely isolating, but it’s even more debilitating when you can’t figure out why. You know that labs and emotional health are a component to healing, but you have NO idea where to start.

That’s precisely why we’re here. To show you a different way.

Challenging The Norm

We’re challenging the popular one-dimensional approach to digestive healing and instead are teaching a dynamic way to create harmony with your body, giving you guidance as you unlock sustainable healing.

We’re bringing the divine feminine back into an overwhelmingly masculine system because your health deserves the attention of alchemy —

  • Would you rather find another quick fix that doesn’t really work?

  • Or be guided through a seemingly magical process of transformation and creation?

That last one is more like it.

You seem healthy to everyone else. So why are you still hurting?

Seemingly healthy. Somehow still hopeful. And yet, you just don’t feel right.

Maybe “hurting” isn’t even the right word because you’ve trained yourself to simply call it discomfort after everyone’s dismissed your needs, calling you overly-sensitive — or worse, CRAZY.

  • Maybe you’re tired of being passed over by your doctor, told your labs look completely normal.

  • Maybe you intuitively know something is off, but you don’t have the energy, tools, and support to put it together.

  • Maybe you’ve done hours of research, only to find that the next “fact” contradicts the last one you read.

  • Maybe you’re feeling defeated by food, when it’s fine one day and causes a reaction the very next.

  • Maybe you’re drained from dealing with this alone

You might even be to the point where you’ve started to believe:

“Maybe my body is truly broken.”

Meanwhile, the health-conscious world you’re steeped in tells you time and again to “listen to your body” to figure out what it needs and finally feel your best. AND YOU THINK TO YOURSELF:

“How can I listen to my body when I don’t trust it anymore?”

Trust me, I’ve been exactly where you are. Body betraying me, despite having all the “right” knowledge to be able to fix myself.


My clients call me Sarah - and you can too!

If we sat down over a moringa hot chocolate, I’d tell you I’m a registered dietitian and a functional medicine practitioner. I’d also most likely ask about your human design and your microbiome diversity, because I’m a nerd for data.

I gained a lot of attention early on in my career with my passion and obsession with poop. I even did a TEDx talk on that very topic.

As I evolved, I realized there was so much more to healing than poop jokes could unearth. Yes, we can still laugh about poop, look at our poop, honor it, even.

But we’ve got to be willing to take it a step further and open up our delicate hold on health and start listening to the wisdom our bodies have to share.

I’m someone who’s struggled with digestive issues for the better part of my life. I know how vulnerable and overwhelming it can be to set out with the goal of improving your health.

What started as a simple way to address imbalances evolved into a mission to guide women into unlocking transformative healing with their gut as the gateway.

In addition to growing professionally on this journey, I’ve also stepped more authentically into who I am and what I can offer the world. My husband is an 8-year-old boy trapped in a large adult body and reminds me of the importance of play, feeling my feelings, and that life doesn’t always have to be so serious.

I’m in deep connection with an amazing group of women who pull me in to be better and exactly who I am at the same time. And these amazing humans in my life have inspired the sentiment I bring into the Fearless Fig practice for you. I’m here to hold onto your hope and your fear, providing space for self-love and community connection as you learn to trust your body and become your greatest healer.

My purpose is to make the unknown and not-yet-traveled much less scary and more approachable for people like you who really want to get the most out of your life.

As seen in


Biohacking and root-cause-chasing are the hustle culture of the health world.

Let me guess: most people consider you to be pretty healthy. But that’s what’s SO frustrating, right?

  • You’ve DONE the research.

  • You’ve LISTENED (okay, binge-listened) to the podcasts.

  • You’ve taken the supplements.

  • You’ve implemented the daily “healthy” rituals

  • You’ve done the doctor-to-doctor shuffle only to be told, “Everything looks fine!” “Just relax!,” “Eat more fiber!” “You’re probably overthinking it.”

Maybe you came here for better visibility through labs, but I can tell you this: One set of labs and list of supplements won’t help you achieve long-term, truly transformative healing.

Root-cause-chasing is rampant, and only leaves you feeling more broken.

But here’s the reality: The popularized quest for the root cause is focused on isolating a single function to improve your health. All the while we’re missing the fact that we are complex humans whose guts don’t function in isolation.

And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to have to hustle my way to health hour-after-hour, day-after-day in isolation. I want to get to the point where I’m breathing in health, feeling supported, and soaking in the vitality I’ve cultivated through nurturing my way toward healing.


It’s time to let your body do exactly what it was made to

But first, you have to believe your body isn’t broken.

Only then can you reclaim your power and become your own greatest healer.

Some of the best advice people can muster as you move forward in life is to “trust your gut.” The gut influences (even controls) EVERY system inside your body: Digestion, Immunity, Emotions… and more!

You know what’s crazy?

Trusting your gut sounds a lot like “a woman’s intuition.” But we’ve pretty much squeezed all the womanhood and feminine energy out of our conventional medicine and health insurance approach to healing.

Want to feel better? We turn to quick fixes and stale science.

All while we’re starving for a method to nurture ourselves back to… well, OURSELVES.

If you’ve been sold: Prescriptions, Copious amounts of supplements, Bad nutrition advice, “Just deal with it” methods

… but you’re still holding hope that you can get to a place where you feel like yourself again, then it’s time to drop the one-dimensional approach to healing, no matter what they’re calling it these days.

Instead, let’s lean into that woo-woo-curious nature of yours, and see what a connective approach can do, shall we?


The Gut Revival Method

LIVING SCIENCE: Stop guessing and start testing.

We’ll start by using validated and researched tests to identify root causes and help build your customized path to healing.

Data provides clarity and confidence to support change and growth. It's also the language of the medical system which gives us the opportunity to communicate with doctors to create comprehensive healing plans.

SOMATIC EMBODIMENT: Know yourself, then listen.

No more second guessing yourself as you move throughout the day.

Human design charts and somatic techniques (nervous system regulation) unlock your unique path to self-love and acceptance.

Intuitive living is possible with cultivated trust and respect for your inner voice. This will help your healing more than you know.

CO-CREATION & SUPPORT: Suffering in silence, no more.

Typical healing journeys are devoid of grace, nourishment, acceptance — instead they’re filled with hiding, shame, and suffering in a silo.

In addition to our team, you’ll be connected to other women going through similar challenges to deepen your healing.

Go from grasping for answers in isolation to truly healing in a connected community.

They’ve got the Feels for Fearless Fig

6 months later, I’m a different person.

“This past spring, I finally decided to take action after struggling with constipation and major digestive issues/symptoms for several years. I made a consultation appointment with Sarah and ended our call feeling hopeful about the future of my health and well-being for the first time ever. Six months later, I am a different person. I am finally not dealing with constant bloating/GI pain and distress, I know what to eat and how to nourish my body, and I can connect with my body more than ever before.”

- Aly L.

Hire a pro who can help you personalize your world

“More more more stars!! Sarah has helped me change my relationship with food and myself. We pay for professionals for our kids, for our cars, for our minds.... so why are we listening to infomercials and fitness hacks regarding food. Hire a professional and even better hire Sarah who has the knowledge and the compassion to help you personalize your world. I will be a client for a long time!”

- Bri B.

The Refreshingly Feminine Approach to Transformational Healing

Gut Alchemy is our proprietary start-to-shift method to help you discover how to activate the intelligence of your gut through science, ancient wisdom and nervous system regulation to restore digestive resiliency and trust in your body.


We don’t dig in and dip out

We take a unique approach in the world of health practitioners in that we don’t pinpoint an issue, give you a protocol, and then pass on the rest of the process.

Instead, we know holistic health is a lifelong pursuit, and your progress can only build as you gain more knowledge, integrate changes, and experience shifts as you’re supported and guided along the way.

Our programs are truly dynamic, which means we create a healing eco-system that allows you to move through your journey at your own pace and provides support at whatever stage you’re at.

After you experience a taste of our alchemical-level of healing, you get to decide what you want next without having to say “goodbye” to the process you’ve grown to cherish.

She knew more about my body than any doctor

“Sarah is a magical force of nature. I started seeing her to address some tummy issues I had been having that were really cramping (no pun intended) my style. After a realllly long questionnaire and a consult with her, she was already guessing (correctly) some of what was causing my troubles. She knew more about my body than any doctor ever had, without blood work. The functional approach to nutrition looks at our bodies as a whole, not a bunch of unrelated systems, and Sarah simply knows her stuff.”

- Tammy I.

Scientific approach to gut health

“I wish I had met Sarah years ago - I would have had a healthier gut much earlier. Sarah brings a scientific approach to our gut health, but in a very fun and engaging way - she makes you feel at ease about topics like bloating, constipation and, of course, pooping ;-) My results are great!!!

Every person should go through this practice to make sure they are healthy on the inside. And then the beauty will shine through on the outside.”

- Inga B.